


A program designed
for you and your family!

How does it work?

At the time of your enrollment, we will give you and your family a card that accredits you and your family as members of the Oral Pass program.

Terms and conditions apply

* The value includes the registration of the entire family group.
* Does not apply in states of emergency.
* It does not include a consultation with a pediatric dentist for
children under 5 years of age.
* Consultation with Maxillofacial for ATM diseases
of the oral cavity and stomatology is not included.


Preferential rates in all procedures.

Examination, diagnosis and/or consultation with a general dentist or specialist at no cost.

50% discount on dental cleaning.

Discounts on diagnostic aids.

3 dental emergencies per year.

Financing methods

We receive all cards.

Financing options:

There is no excuse not to smile! Finance your treatment at Oral Laser.

*We accept all means of payment.

How does it work?

  • Means of payment: we accept all means of payment.

  • Financing study: each financial institution conducts its own financing study and approves according to its internal policies.

  • Term and rate: the term and financing rate are determined according to the patient's profile and the financial institution's conditions.

How to Apply

To access any of these financing options, simply visit our facilities or contact our customer service team. We will be happy to guide you through the process and help you select the option that best suits your needs.


Send us a message and one of our representatives will respond to your inquiry.